First Lady Boy Show in Philippines

The day we arrived on Sugar Beach was the last day of the Santa Lourdes festival - a weekend long festival commemorating the local village's patron saint, Saint Lourdes. Part of the festivities that night included a 'Miss Guy' drag competition. Not only was the show itself entertaining, we also had a great time before hand visiting with the villagers, playing games with the kids, and eating some of the local barbecue. The children of the village were a blast to hang out with and quickly became our friends. All of the little girls lined up to take turns sitting next to me on the bench where they proceeded to touch my hair while trying out their English skills. So cute! The show itself was a definite spectacle. It was a through and through pageant complete with different clothing categories, a talent portion, and a Q&A segment. All the contestants were amazing and performed flawlessly. An incredible event to experience and an honor to experience it with the locals.