Beitou Hot Springs

While in Taipei we desperately wanted to visit the Beitou hot springs from stories we had heard from Carol and Charlie’s previous visit there. The springs are heated from the nearby inactive volcano and did not disappoint. After a quick metro ride we arrived in Beitou and made our way to Thermal Valley where you can purchase an inexpensive ticket to bathe in the public springs area. The public springs are divided into several pools based on temperature. They range from scalding to slightly scalding. The hottest pool is close to 45 C while the less hot ones are around 39 C. There are also two very cold pools you can dip in to help cool you down after the intense heat. After our invigorating dip in the hot springs we meandered through the thermal valley enjoying the park and paths that follow the river of hot water from the main spring. This was the only pic I could snap before being asked not to take pictures.