Sandy Beach, Koh Rong Salmoen

After our stay on Sunset Beach we continued our theme of the lonely, private beach devoid of other humans and modern luxuries by heading to the other side of Koh Rong Samloem to Sandy Beach, on the recommendation of a traveling couple we met in the Philippines. Though not completely primitive - we did have wifi, electricity from roughly 2 - 11pm, and an indoor bathroom (albeit one with an open floor drain that accepted both shower and sink water - no toilet water luckily) - we were literally the only guests at a resort that had a kilometer long beach to itself. Since the full moon had just past, the tidal upheaval it created in the seas around the island forced us to take a boat from Saracen Bay to a trail head, then hike to the other side of a peninsula to the resort. Luckily for us, on our return to Saracen Bay, the boat was able to dock at the resort thereby saving us the hassle of a hike and wading through waist deep water carrying our camera gear and computer to the transfer vessel. Though not as easy on the eyes as Sunset Beach, Sandy Beach was relaxing and of course 'sandy'. Though we did enjoy our stay we did cut short our three reserved nights at the resort down to two in order to take advantage of the amazing beach of Saracen Bay before we headed back to the mainland. You'll see why next...