Pet Care While Extensively Traveling

When you want to travel the world and have two large dogs, special arrangements have to be made. It's a big task, so if friends and family are unable to help, decide on a budget to pay for a sitter and place an ad on Craigslist. That's what we did and it couldn't have worked out better for us. After posting our ad, a few interview/site visits later, we had found the perfect family to care for our pups. The Wright family are not only some of the nicest people, they also have some of the sweetest pups. Dogs are pack animals, so we knew that having two other dogs in the household would help the transition for Mona & Monty. The family loved our pups just as their own. We were given many update photos and video, even a facetime date with the dogs one night while in Vietnam! They really went the extra mile to make our pups feel loved and make Steven and I feel comfortable. Thankful doesn't begin to express our gratitude. We are overjoyed to have met this family and know that they will part of our lives forever. Thank you Wright family from the bottom of our hearts (and paws).