Underwood Livestock Farm, Nebraska

Outside the town of McCool Junction, Nebraska (population 409) lies a lovely farm that only a family could procure to such standards for livestock to live in so happily. The farm was nothing short of an oasis for these cattle, pigs and pet horses. They are given a beautiful property to roam, fresh feed, and (most importantly) respect from their caregivers. I have always been interested to see how 'meat' was raised. It gave me great comfort to know that places like this exists for livestock. Jack & Linda Underwood celebrated 50 years of marriage last week and we photographed the anniversary party for their son, Mike Underwood of Underwood Events. The beauty of this farm and the teamwork of this family impressed us beyond measures. It was such an honor to visit and capture such a place. I know both of us will hold this farm and this family close to our hearts forever. Thank you Michael Scott for such an opportunity. With Love, The Spottswoods
